Basic health screening tests are tests your healthcare provider recommends to identify any undetected disease or condition. The goal is to discover diseases that can be easily treated if found on time. Getting screened is one of the most important things you can do for your health.
Health screening tests are recommended based on some criteria, including:
- The condition has an early stage during which symptoms may not be obvious but early detection and treatment will significantly improve the outcomes.
- An acceptable treatment is available for the condition.
- It affects the person’s life expectancy and quality of life.
- A simple and affordable screening test for the condition is available.
- It is a common public health problem.
Basic Health Screening Tests
Blood Pressure Screening
Read: What do your blood pressure numbers mean?
Diabetes Screening
Type 2 diabetes is a common disease worldwide. However, only about a third of the people affected know they have the condition because, often, there are no symptoms. Early screening can help people avoid complications of this disease, like damage to the kidneys, heart, and blood vessels. According to the American Diabetes Association, screening for diabetes should be done at three-year intervals beginning at age 45, especially for people who are overweight or obese.
Read: Diabetes, 5 warning signs you shouldn’t ignore
Cholesterol/lipid profile
Pap Smear
Getting screened can save your life. However, the type of screening and how frequently you do it depend on your risk factors, age, and overall health profile. Be sure to consult your healthcare provider to determine the right tests you need.
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